Elizabeth L. Anstaett

Practice Areas
- State and Federal Regulatory Compliance
- Consumer Lending
- Business Revolving Credit and Charge Programs
- Retail Sales Financing
- Private Label and General Purpose Credit Cards
- Prepaid and Debit Cards
- Health Care and Medical Financing
- Privacy
- Loan Servicing
- Student Lending
- Debt Collection Compliance
- Advertising of Financial Products
- Loan Brokering
- Deposit Products
- RAL Lending
- Money Transmission
- Debt Cancellation Products
- Debt Suspension Products
- Litigation and Amicus Briefs
- First and Second Mortgage Lending
- The Ohio State University College of Law
- J.D., 1991
- Honors: summa cum laude
- Honors: Order of the Coif
- The Ohio State University
- B.A., 1985
Bar Admission
- Ohio, 1991
Published Works
- Opportunity Financial LLC v. Hewlett: True Lender and Usury Issues, 77 Consumer Fin. L.Q. Rep., 221, 2024
- Circuit Courts Split In Important National Bank Preemption Cases, 76 Consumer Fin. L.Q. Rep., 205, 2023
- Iowa Assurance of Discontinuance Raises Issues For State Bank Lending Programs, CONSUMER FINANCIAL SERVICES LAW REPORT, April 25, 2023
- Madden Issues Remain Despite OCC and FDIC Valid Whem Made Rule, 40 BANKING & FIN. Serv. Rep. 4, April 2021
- New Cases on the Horizon? Federal Preemption Under the FDCPA and Regulation F, 74 Consumer FIN. LQ. REP. 278, 2020.
- Ohio’s and Other States’ COVID-19 Response: How Should Lenders Accommodate Borrowers, CONSUMER FINANCIAL SERVICES LAW REPORT, May 5, 2020
- California Enacts Consumer Privacy Act: Will Other States Follow?, CONSUMER FINANCIAL SERVICES LAW REPORT, Oct. 2, 2018
- True Lender: An Old Legal Concept Getting New Attention, 71 Consumer Fin. L.Q. Rep. 278, 2018
- States Compete with OCC Over Fintech Regulation, CONSUMER FINANCIAL SERVICES LAW REPORT, June 13, 2017
- Guest Commentary, Military Lending Act: Change in Active Duty Status, CONSUMER FINANCIAL SERVICES LAW REPORT, Jan. 17, 2016
- Defining the Scope of Federal Preemption: State Farm, Exclusive Agents, and Other Emerging Issues, 64 BUS. LAW., 605, 2009
- Preemption and Federalism Developments: Watters Under the Bridge, 63 BUS. LAW. 703, 2008
- Mired in the Process?: The Future of State Bank Preemption, 62 BUS. LAW. 713, 2007
- Emerging Trends in Preemption Impacting Interstate Lending by Federally - Regulated Financial Institutions, 60 CONSUMER FIN. L.Q. REP. 244, 2006
- Fair and Accurate Credit Transactions Act Impacts Lenders, CONSUMER SERVICES LAW REPORT, Feb. 25, 2004
- Guest Commentary, Federal Court Cites New OCC Preemption Regulations in Finding RISA Preempted, CONSUMER FINANCIAL SERVICES LAW REPORT, April 7, 2004
- Preemption Developments Impacting Interstate Lending by Federally Regulated Financial Institutions, 58 CONSUMER FIN. L.Q. REP. 8, 2004
- Check Casher Reaches Settlement with Colorado AG, CONSUMER FINANCIAL SERVICES LAW REPORT, June 19, 2002
- Common Misconceptions in Bank Interstate Credit Transactions, 56 CONSUMER FIN. L.Q. REP. 281, 2002
- Do the Privacy Rules Apply To You, NATIONAL MORTGAGE BROKER, July, 2001
- Federal Savings Banks -- The Vehicle of Choice (Co-Author), 52 CONSUMER FIN. L.Q. REP. 407, 1998
Professional Associations
- Firm's Marketing and Privacy Digest, Managing Editor
- Ohio State Bar Association, Member
- American College of Consumer Financial Services Lawyers, Fellow
- Conference of Consumer Financial Law, Governing Committee
Classes & Seminars
- Speaker, Consumer Finance & Regulatory Update: The Impact of Recent Supreme Court Decisions on Banking, Ohio Bankers League, Columbus Ohio, November 14, 2024
- Speaker, Bank Fintech Partnerships: Pitfalls and Prospects, Ohio Bankers League, Columbus Ohio, November 8, 2023
- Speaker, Fintech + Banking: Partnering Successfully, The Conference on Consumer Finance Law, Chicago, May 2022
- Speaker, SCRA and Ohio's 6% Requirement, American Financial Services Association, March 2021
- Speaker, New Cases on the Horizon? Federal Preemption Under the FDCPA and Regulation F, The Confernce on Consumer Financial Law, Debt Collection Symposium, March 2021
- Speaker, Regulatory Implications for Fintech, The Conference on Consumer Finance Law, Chicago, May 2017
- Speaker, CFPB Arbitration Rules, Columbus Bar Association, Columbus, Ohio, January 2017
- Speaker, CFPB Arbitration Rules, OSBA Banking Law Institute, Columbus, Ohio, November 2016
- Speaker, Hot Legal Topics in Marketplace Lending, Marketplace Lending Summit, Washington DC, September 2016
- Speaker, Developments in Consumer and Commercial Banking Regulation and Supervision: Fair Lending, OSBA Banking Law Institute, Columbus, Ohio 2015
- Speaker, Building Compliance Programs, Aon Legal and Regulatory Seminar, Atlanta, Georgia, October 2014
- Speaker, CFPB Database and Examination Issues, Aon Legal and Regulatory Seminar, Atlanta, Georgia, November 2013
- Speaker, CFPB Enforcement Actions, Ohio Financial Services Association, Columbus, Ohio November 2012
- Speaker, OCC Debt Cancellation Regulation and Preemption, Aon Legal and Regulatory Seminar, Atlanta, Georgia, May 2012
- Speaker, CFPB Database and Confidentiality, Aon Legal and Regulatory Seminar, Atlanta, Georgia, April 2011
- Speaker, Ohio Manufactured Homes Association Seminar, Columbus, Ohio, October 2010
- Speaker, Fair and Accurate Credit Transactions Act, Central Ohio Chapter of the Association of Corporate Counsel Seminar, 2004
- Speaker, Ohio Mortgage Broker Act and Federal Privacy Law, Dreher Langer & Tomkies L.L.P Mortgage Lending Seminar, 2002
- Speaker, Federal Privacy Law, Ohio Premium Finance Association Annual Meeting, 2001
Past Positions
- Hon. John D. Holschuh, Chief Judge, U.S. District Court, Southern District of Ohio, Law Clerk, 1991 to 1993