Marketing And Privacy Digest
Our marketing and privacy digest is a compilation of state laws governing financial privacy, fair credit reporting, telemarketing/automatic dialing and announcing devices, telephone monitoring and recording, electronic signatures and restrictions on the use of social security numbers by lenders and creditors. The topics include:
- Financial privacy
- Relevant statutes
- Definitions
- Restrictions
- Data protected by the relevant statute/limitations on disclosures or transmission of data
- Exclusions
- Penalties
- Fair credit reporting
- Relevant statutes
- Definitions
- Restrictions relating to users of credit reports that exceed federal law
- Penalties
- Telemarketing/automated dialing and announcing devices
- Relevant statutes
- Definitions
- Exemptions
- License/registration
- Restrictions relating to communications with consumers
- Penalties
- Telephone monitoring and recording
- Relevant statutes
- Definitions
- Restrictions
- Penalties
- Electronic signatures
- Relevant statutes
- Definitions
- Restrictions
- Penalties
- Restrictions on the use of Social Security numbers by lenders or creditors
- Relevant statutes
- Definitions
- Restrictions
- Penalties